BPG Wrap Administration Services
Wrap Orientation Meetings
On request – BPG will organize an initial Wrap Enrollment Meeting with the Developer, General Contractor, and identified subcontractors to review the purpose and process of BPG’s Wrap Administration program. Ongoing meetings and education are also available throughout the project.

Participant Enrollment
BPG’s flexible and efficient enrollment process makes becoming enrolled an easy and effective process for the Project’s construction participants. Working with an OCIP/CCIP Administrator has never been easier.
Certificate of Enrollment Distribution
After successful enrollment, BPG Wrap Administrators will issue a Certificate of Enrollment to the participants as proof of successful enrollment.
On-Line Enrollment & Visibility
BPG Wrap Administration Services make it easy to enroll in an OCIP/CCIP as well as view progress and outstanding requirements. Each participant receives an enrollment packet and a Wrap Manual with instructions on how to enroll, satisfy insurance requirements, report claims, download forms, or get access to important information for the Project.
Premium Recapture/Allocation
As an additional service offered in conjunction with wrap administration, BPG Wrap Services can help with the fair and proportional allocation of the OCIP/CCIP Premium across the participants who will be enjoying the coverage of the policy. This service allows developers to recoup a significant amount of capital that would have otherwise been lost.
Subcontractor Certificate Tracking
BPG Insurance Services will verify construction participants’ Insurance Certificates to ensure compliance and coverage at the time of enrollment in the project. Information and updates are available in report form online to the Developer or other relevant parties. On request, BPG can also offer this service on an ongoing basis throughout the project.